gowaan girls jump jam

Recently recruited Hope ambassador Charlotte Kay was invited along to join in on the action, Charlotte was one of 30 female shredders tackling the jumps up at Josh Brycelands private jump spot near Manchester. 

Gowaan founders Bex and Martha are all about seeing people push themselves. You only have to look at where they are now in their professional careers within the bike world to see that they practice what they preach. They are no stranger to pushing the boundaries and encouraging others to do so. One of the ways in which Gowaan do this is by not only showcasing what they do via social media but by putting on events as and when they can between their busy race and event schedules. Cue the Gowaan Gals Jump Jam! 

The idea of the day was to help girls of all different abilities progress through as many jumps as they wanted to. It worked really well and was such a fun day for everyone. We started off by walking the different lines to see what we wanted to hit first/ warm up on and got to riding after an introduction from Martha and Bex.  

It was amazing to see all the girls hitting the dirt jumps and overcoming fears. Some girls had never ridden anything like this before, but once they got comfy they even started throwing some no handers!!  

The weather was perfect, sun and no wind. A day out riding with a big group of girls in perfect weather was a day well spent!  

I chose to ride my GT Force enduro bike as it was quite damp and slippery at the start of the day, as well as some landings being quite rocky so I felt more comfortable on my enduro bike. I would love to ride there again in the summer to hit the features on my dj bike and throw some more tricks! But the force was so capable of tackling all the jumps.  

Words & Photos: Charlotte Kay




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